Monday, January 07, 2008

Good Start to 2008

Well (as planned) I took the last part of 2007 off - not playing much at all, and at the $0.25/$0.50 level when I had the urge to get a few hands in. Also as planned I made a deposit at one of the Cake skins early in 2008 to see if I could continue my good fortunes there. I decided to use my existing Sportsbook account (where I had already run my free $20 into about $230) for the deposit and save my last Cake deposit for a brand new account where I will get rakeback after I clear this bonus in three months. There was only one hiccup in the plan (their daily deposit maximum is $1,000 instead of the $1,800 I intended to deposit to properly roll myself for $3/$6), but I got my $100 instant bonus and 3 months to clear the $1,000 deposit bonus. I also decided that I would still play $3/$6 as I could deposit the rest of my $1,800 if the need arose.

After a few days of so-so play at so-so tables (and resulting in about $80 in losses, while clearing about $40 in bonus) I had a night I won't forget for a long time. I was two-tabling $3/$6 and chatting online with Quadman at the time and he saw most of it unfold. I typically buy into a $3/$6 table for $200 (yes, 30+ BB is a lot for limit, but I don't like reloading), and that night was no different.

Well, every single hand I played at one of the tables, I couldn't seem to miss. My stack just kept growing. $300. $350. I finally remarked on it to Quadman when I hit $400 - the "double up" amount. I do not believe that I've ever had that much on the table at any level, at any site. I had no sooner said that than I hit a huge hand (perhaps the subject of a blog post in the next few days) that pushed my stack to over $500. I think my stack topped out at between $520 and $530 at that table. And it wasn't like this was a long session either - I hit this "peak" of over 50BB in profit at somewhere around 150 hands (LOL 35 BB/100 - sustainable???). I think at that point I had won 7 of 8 showdowns and had won 15 pots without a showdown. Crazy numbers.

At my other table I was up a mundane amount (comparatively!) and sitting on about $280. At one point I believe I had over $800 between the two tables, for $400 profit. I gave a little bit back in the next few blind revolutions, but signed off for the night with a profit of $379 in just over 300 hands played between the two tables.

Needless to say, this is by far my largest win (in $$$) in a day - looking back at a post from about 11 months ago lamenting that I've never had a +$100 day makes this win kind of humorous. But in all reality, I don't know if I've had any days since that post that are even half the size of this win (again, in $$$ - I've had slightly bigger days in terms of BB).

If this is what 2008 has in store for me, bring it on! Then again, who knows - maybe my doomswitch will be thrown and my next post will be "I dropped two buyins at $3/$6 - WTF?!?!"

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