Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Casino Windsor, again

As mentioned, poker1eh and I had planned to go to Casino Windsor for a little winter excitement. Here's the trip report:


Well, my entire tournament was pretty easy to remember, even without a notebook - I think I played 4 hands outside the blinds the entire time. Tournament is 60 players, starting with 2000 in chips, blinds at 25/50, and blinds move up every 20 minutes.

Hand 1: Blinds still 25/50, and I think I'd had one round through the blinds already, so down to 1925-ish. Folded to me on the button with K2s. I raise, the BB calls. Flop comes low, raggy, and with a 2. BB checks, I bet 150, he folds. Wheeee. Up above 2K in chips.

Hand 2: Blinds at 50/100. A few EP limpers, and I limp behind with ATs in the hijack. The button raises to 300, loses the blinds, all original limpers call. Flop QJx two suited, giving me a flush draw, a gutshot to broadway and an overcard. We check it around to the button, who bets 500. Folded back around to me. And here is my crucial decision of the tourney. What did I do? Did I push all-in so I could see all 5 cards with my combo hand? Did I fold knowing stacks weren't deep enough to draw, even with implied odds?? No. Like a true donkey I called over 1/4 of my stack trying to hit on the next card. Next card blanked off, I checked, button bet 800, and I folded. Way to lose almost half of your stack in one donkey hand, moron. I wound up sitting next to this guy after a table change later and he claimed to have QQ, and I believe him. So, my push would have been insta-called, but who knows whether I would have hit.

Hand 3: Blinds at 100/200, and my stack is 650 after having been 950 for an entire blind revolution without a decent hand to push with and having passed through the blinds having them both stolen. An EP limper, and it is folded around to me OTB with KTo. I push all-in, lose both blinds and the limper calls. KTo vs. A7o. Which doesn't matter much when the flop comes KKx. I more than double up to 1600, and we go on break the next hand.

Hand 4: Blinds at 200/400, about the 4th hand after break and I pick up AQo UTG+1. I insta-push (of course), the same guy that I sucked out on about 5 hands previous calls my all-in as does the BB. AQo vs QQ vs K7o. Nobody improves, and I'm out in about 30th place.

The (lack of) quality play simply astounds me. I saw better play at the $0.15/$0.30 beginner tables at Party. Of course, this frustrates me even more that I have left a loser at 4 out of the 5 sessions I've played there. I left down $22 on Wednesday. Not much happened to me of note, but I'll type a few hands anyways:

Picked up AA in EP. Raised, and got a few callers. Flop Axx, two diamonds. Checked to me, I bet, one caller. Turn blank, but a diamond. He checks, I bet, he folds. Whew.

Picked up AKs in MP. Raise a few limpers, flop Q98. Checked to me, I bet (questionable), all call. Checked to me on the turn, I check behind. River blanks off, and I fold to a bet.

Very next hand pick up QQ and raise a few limpers. Don't remember a ton of the action (amazingly), but the board is double-paired low by the river. Guy called me down with AK and MHIG.

A few hands the poker1eh played were interesting:

He limped behind a few limpers in MP. Flop J52r, and he check-raises the entire field. It is so obvious to me the only hands he can have is 55 or 22. Nothing else makes sense. He had 22, and took the pot down with a bet on the river on a JJ552 board.

Another limp by him (in the CO, if I recall) after a ton of limpers, flop 772, checked to him and he bets out. I was quite confused by this (WTF could he have), until he wound up showing 77 at showdown for the flopped quads. Ah, that makes sense. And RIGGED!

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