You can see the -$120 slide pretty easily - I actually slid some more a few days after that to bottom out at about -$156 in 480-ish hands.
I then spent about the next 800 hands getting it all back (and then some!), including that amazing vertical stretch in the middle of the graph where I made $61 profit in 4 consecutive hands.
Then I spent another 400 hands or so blowing off about $115.
Then I spent 150 hands making most of that back.
Sum total? 1826 hands, down exactly 5 cents over that stretch. Doesn't seem worth the stress. :-)
Interestingly enough, a lot of the upswings during that stretch were full-ring and much of the downswing was 6-max, to the extent that I am now doing better (both dollar-wise and winrate) at $1/$2 full-ring ($122, 2.34 BB/100) than I am at $1/$2 6-max ($71, 1.23 BB/100). Weird game.
Just to keep things in perspective, though, here's what it looks like when viewed in perspective of all my hands (y-axis in BB instead of $ since there is now quite a bit of difference between the lowest level I've played and the highest level I've played)

Barely even a blip.
I think I'm going to sign up for Poker Stars this weekend - everything I've heard points to the fact that the fish / TAG ratio is far better there. I also checked out bonuswhores.com tonight, and there are some sweet bonuses out there for U.S players on some Prima sites. Maybe the bonus chasing portion of my poker "career" isn't over quite yet.....
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