In 171 hands, I lost $119.25. That is over half my $1/$2 6-max profit gone in less than 40 minutes. Here is what that looks like:

I feel like I should have stood up at some point, but I don't know when. It was just the wrong end of big hand vs. big hand, over and over again. Two hands that stand out in my mind:
- KQ on a AKK flop, lost to AA.
- TT flopped top set, lost to AA when he spiked an A on river - that was a $46.50 pot.
- KQo, Flop AJTr, take it down with a single bet vs. 3 opponents on the flop.
On the positive side (because I need to look for those positives after a session like that):
- I am still running at almost 3 BB/100 at $1/$2 6-max even after this horrid session.
- I don't think I went on tilt. I'll review my play to see if this is true, but I certainly didn't hit the swearing-monkey-tilt stage.
- I don't feel totally demoralized like the last time I had a 50+ BB loss. Disappointed, yes. But not rolling it over and over in my mind and obsessing about it like last time.
- I am still up money at every site, every level ($0.39 at $1/$2 FR!!!!!! WOOO HOOOOOO!!!!), and still up a chunk of change for October (amazing what you can do with a Poker Tracker export and an Excel Pivot Table in 5 minutes):

Admittedly, these tables looked MUCH better before this morning's bad run (my September/October profit was almost $350, and my 6-max profit was also well over $300), but I think I can still take solace in my results over time so far. I'll hope for better luck tomorrow, I suppose.....
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