Sunday, October 29, 2006


Well, I finally did it. I am finally out of the red at $1/$2 full ring. 2300 hands, $0.39 profit for the rockin' winrate of 0.01 BB/100. Go me.

I had an interesting night of it last night - sat to the immediate left of my brother who himself was to the immediate left of one of the biggest fish I've seen at $1/$2 FR - a 57/0/0.32 guy who called down to the river with anything. Yum. I actually was down at that table for quite a while (as was Quadman) but I hit a few hands at the end and wound up $10.

At the other table I had an interesting time of it - I was totally card dead (I played only 4 hands out of my first 50, luckily winning them all big, so was up about $35) so I'm sure I looked like the biggest rock on the planet. Then I played the next 6 consecutive hands:
  • 98o in the SB (lost in a BvB when my flush lost to his higher flush): -$7.00
  • KQs OTB (lost when the fish played K2s and hit his 2): -$5.00
  • 99 in the CO (got out on the turn in a boat-vs-boat confrontation): -$5.00
  • A6s in the hijack (open raised and got 3-bet by the BB. Whiffed and folded on the flop): -$3.00
  • AQo in MP (raised an EP limper, took it down unimproved vs AT at the river): +$6.00
  • KJs in EP (limpfest, raggy flop checked around, J hits on the turn and I raise a bet into me and take it down right there): +$5.75
Then a few hands later lost a bunch on a AKo vs 99 on a A92-K-6 board. So summary of that one is I caught a huge rush of cards in about one button revolution and got to lose about $20 on them. :-(

But all in all it was a good table, and I left that table up $24.50 - just enough (evidently) to earn enough to bring my lifetime earn positive.

I think I'm going to (slightly) modify my criteria for taking a 40 BB shot at $2/$4 - instead of earning another 60 BB at $1/$2 FR exclusively, I'll take a shot when I hit $700 in profit, regardless of what I earned it at. This will be another $100-ish abive wher I am now, and I'll mix it up with both 6-max and FR games to try and earn it. Wish me luck.

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