Friday, March 03, 2006

Random thoughts after about a month of internet play

For more detail about the history of what I'm trying to do, please my initial "Background" post from the beginning of February.

I started with Instant Bankroll / Party promotion, and played my first hand of internet poker for Real Money on February 7, 2006 at Party Poker. Whether this was a start of something good or a downward spiral I had no idea, but was going to have fun trying to find out.

After clearing my bonus, I left Party on February 26 with $110 ($75 of it Instant Bankroll money, $25 of it bonus money, $10 profit) and went to Golden Riviera (GR), as they had a $50 bonus that looked easy to clear (5x, which means 250 raked hands to clear the $50 bonus). As it turns out, I had a better string of cards than by buddy poker1eh, and cashed out of Golden Riviera last night just short of $190 ($50 of which was bonus from GR, and a total of $150 is bonus overall). So up $40 so far playing online. Is it variance or skill? Hard to say at this point.

The site we (poker1eh and myself) will go to next is more than likely Poker Rewards, with a 50% bonus that clears at 10x, but am primarily choosing this site as it will allow me to obtain Poker Tracker (PT), one of the coolest pieces of software I have seen. If you are an online poker player, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of this software, by hook or by crook. It is simply that good, both for reviewing your own play, and gathering stats on your opponents. Once I get
PT, I will likely use one of the Heads Up Displays like Poker Ace or Poker Office to overlay real-time statistics of all my opponents on my tables. How can that not help your game?

I have drug both my brother and a coworker into this online poker thing, although I don't think they came unwillingly. My brother is henceforth known as QuadMan, as he gets quads (and paid on them) more often than anyone rightly should. I may post a few of his hands here soon.

Tonight my money is in limbo in between GR and Neteller, so I believe I may play a few STTs at to warm up for a home-game tournament tomorrow night. Should be fun. As long as poker1eh doesn't take all my money, that is......

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