Saturday, March 11, 2006

Books, books, and more books

As mentioned in the subtitle of my blog, I tend to do a lot of reading about poker. Below is the list of books I've read, along with some comments on each.

Harrington on Hold 'em Vol I & II (Harrington)
The absolute bible on NLHE tournament play. Could possibly be the best (pair of) poker books I've ever read. Have likely read both of them 3 times through.

Small Stakes Hold'Em (Miller)

Likewise, the bible on low-stakes limit hold-em play. I try to play in alignment with the principles outlined in this book. I think I may be on my 4th read through this one.

Theory of Poker (Sklansky)

A great book for the theoretical underpinnings of all games of poker (not just hold-em). Sklansky is a very dry read, but given I used to read advanced physics textbooks for fun, the dryness tends not to bother me. :-)

Hold'Em Poker for Advanced Players (Sklansky)

Another extremely complete book on hold-em, in typical Sklanksy fashion.

Inside the Poker Mind (Feeney)

A very, very interesting book about a variety of mental factors in the game of poker.

Psychology of Poker (Schoonmaker)

Another interesting book that focuses on the mental aspects of poker.

Phil Gordon's Little Green Book (Gordon)

A nice little book giving an extremely good look into the thought processes on a pro.

The other books below I really don't think enough of to make a comment one way or the other. Your mileage may vary. At the very least, I think I've learned at least a little something from all of them. I really enjoy Bob Ciaffone's writing and thinking style, thus all the books from him. Check out all his past articles on for good examples.

Ace on the River (Greenstein)
Championship No Limit & Pot Limit Hold 'Em (McEvoy/Cloutier)
Improve Your Poker (Ciaffone)Middle Limit Holdem Poker (Ciaffone/Brier)
Play Poker Like the Pros (Hellmuth)
Poker: The Real Deal (Gordon)
Pot-Limit & No-Limit Poker (Reuben/Ciaffone)
Super/System (Brunson)Tournament Poker for Advanced Players (Sklansky)
Win Your Way Into Big Money Hold'em Tournaments (Daugherty)
Winning Low-Limit Hold'em (Jones)

In terms of what is next to read, I (and a lot of other 2+2 readers) am eagerly anticipating Ed Miller's upcoming NL book "No Limit Hold-Em: Theory and Practice" and Harrington's Volume III, both scheduled to be out in May. I am also interested in "How Good is your Limit Hold'Em" by Jacobs which is a book full of limit hold-em quizzes to test your skill level.

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