- Just over 3 years of poker (2/7/06 to 2/15/09)
- Over 140K hands

- Nice to see that I am profitable at most of the levels, although it always hurts to have the levels where you are a loser be the highest levels...
- I either need to learn to play 6-max better, or just stay the hell off those tables. Nearly 40K hands of 6-max, and all I've got to show for it is a hole in my bankroll of about $160 (although to be fair I am up 279 BB total for a 0.7 BB/100 rate shorthanded). Maybe I just need to not suck so much at the higher levels....
- I need to lay off the suckitude at $5/$10 as well. My losses there in 700 hands are over one-eighth of my entire win over 3 years / 140k+ hands!
- Overall 1.3 BB/100 is not where I thought I'd be (or where I'd like to be, frankly). I think something close to 2 BB/100 should be sustainable and my 30K hands of $3/$6 full-ring at 1.7 BB/100 shows that it is at least within reach. Or maybe I'm just fooling myself and as the games have gotten tougher, there just isn't enough edge at the levels I play to support 2BB/100. I guess we'll see.

- Nice to see that (most) months are solidly profitable, with the exception of the March From Hell that had me giving up the game for 2 months.
- Also nice to go on a sick heater of 600+ BB in the next 5 months after taking the game back up.
- When rolled up into quarters (below), I've been BB-profitable across every single quarter except the give-up-the-game quarter and the current quarter. I better get to work on the current quarter so i can keep my streak alive...

- Not a lot to say here that hasn't been said in other posts. Although some of those swings feel quite large (in particular, the 300+ BB swing downswing early), in the grand scheme of things this graph isn't that swingy.
- There are few 20K+ hand breakeven stretches in there, including a 27K hand stretch that I am on currently. Thank goodness for bonuses.
Same graph in $:

- The March From Hell rears it's ugly head again. if you look really closely in the graph, I actually drop below $0 cumulative (briefly) - 57K hands with $0 to show for it (other than bonus). Wow.
- Near the right side of the graph I went on an extreme heater whereby I won about $2,400 (over half my total earn for 3 years!) in about 2 months / 7K hands.
- Since that heater, I've been on a 7 month, 27K hand stretch where I am down $600 through play, breakeven in BB. Again, thank goodness for bonuses.
Wow, so much for a short post....
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