Saturday, March 22, 2008

AA Wins ?!?!?

Seems impossible that AA could win in:
  • A 6 way capped pot preflop
  • At $3/$6
  • With a limp-capper (so I didn't even get to cap!)
  • With a single suited flop
  • With two broadway cards
  • Unimproved
Miracles never cease:

Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is MP2 with A♣ A♠

UTG calls, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 folds, MP1 calls, Hero raises, MP3 3-bets, 3 folds, BB calls, UTG calls, UTG+1 caps, MP1 calls, Hero calls, MP3 calls, BB calls, UTG calls.

Flop: K♣ J♣ 9♣(24.5SB, 6 players)

BB checks, UTG checks, UTG+1 checks, MP1 checks, Hero bets, MP3 raises all-in $6, BB folds, UTG calls, 2 folds, Hero 3-bets, UTG calls.

LOL limp-capper check/folding flop.

Turn: 5♦ (16.25BB, 2 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: 15.25BB, Sidepot 1: 1BB)

UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG calls.

River: 7♦ (18.25BB, 2 players + 1 all-in - Main pot: 15.25BB, Sidepot 1: 3BB)

UTG checks, Hero bets, UTG calls.

Final pot: 20.25 BB ($121.50)

UTG showed KQo, MP3 showed AKo

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