Monday, November 05, 2007

A Few Milestones

Short post to mention a few milestones I hit in the past 24 hours:
  • Passed $7,000 earned online total
  • Passed $1,000 earned through limit poker play
  • Passed $2,000 Cake bankroll (although I ended the evening at $1,978 after two top pair hands ran into AA overpair both times)
It has taken quite a bit of work to get to here, especially given the time off and the lack of really good bonuses to clear - for reference, I passed $5,000 over a year ago.

Quite some time ago I also (nearly) reached $1,000 through limit play right before my massive downswing which left me with negative profit through play. It turns out almost my entire limit earn ($1,020.34, listed at right) is equal to my Cake earn alone in the last 10 weeks: $1,007.84.

Not much else to say. Just felt like a mini-celebration from where I had been. Go me.

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