Saturday, May 17, 2008

Punch to the Stomach

Quick mind-clearing blog post. I have run horribly, horribly bad over the past 4 days:

Losing 68 cents per hand played = sustainable? Admittedly, this is "only" a 100 BB downswing, but for some reason it stings quite a quite more than the other recent 100 BB downswings.

So, in looking for the positive I looked at how I've done overall at Cake; I am a winner at 11 of the 13 levels I've played. The only exceptions:

$1/$2 6-max: down less than 2 BB overall in 4800 hands.
$5/$10 FR: down less than 11 BB in 249 hands.

Every other level is positive, although my $2/$4 FR graph is a bit sickening:

Now I wish I wouldn't have looked at that....let's find a good one to get the confidence back up: $3/$6 6-max where I table-select like crazy:

Small sample size, LDO, but I'll take whatever shot of confidence I can get at this point.

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