Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bonus Cleared

Well, I finally got done clearing my 3-month bonus on Sportsbook last night. Or, rather, as much of the bonus as I could possibly get cleared; turns out I played nearly 18,000 hands in three months to clear $820 of the possible $1,000 bonus. That is a lot of hands for me, and it is time to take a little break from playing and chill.

The overall breakdown of the hands / levels I've played during the bonus was:
  • 43% of the hands were at $3/$6 full-ring
  • 40% of the hands were $2/$4 full-ring
  • 10% of the hands were $1/$2 6-max
The remaining 7% of the hands were scattered amongst levels as diverse as $0.04/$0.08 6-max through $5/$10 full-ring.

So, what about results? Well, I've already had a few blog posts about the swings I've had, so this graph should be no surprise:

I'm thankful I at least I ended the bonus to the positive, including the nice +20BB quick session to end the bonus last night.

But hidden within this graph are some massive differences between my performances at different levels. In particular:

$2/$4 full-ring:

No, your eyes do not deceive you - that is an over 170BB downswing buried in there for a final result of -$588 and a winrate of -2.07 BB/100 over the span of my bonus.

$3/$6 full ring:

Yup, always nice to run better at the higher level; $1,247 and 2.72 BB/100 over slightly more hands than I played at $2/$4. Note to self: play only $3/$6 during my next bonus......

From a pure monetary standpoint, I made a total of about $1,400 in the three months; $820 from bonus clearing and about $580 from play. If I could manage to not suck so bad at $2/$4 (at the same time keeping up the winrate at $3/$6), the number through play would have obviously been a lot higher, but.....

I've also reached a few milestones recently - more than 100K hands played since I started online and over $9K earned overall from my online adventures. A paltry sum when compared to poker1eh's Stars Step 6 win for $12K the other night, but I'll take it.

Next post: some overall stats from all my Cake hands, and maybe some specific hands from $5/$10.

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