Thursday, August 07, 2008

New Biggest Pot

My first hand at the table. And this occurred after the last graph posting too....

Limit: $3/$6, 10 players

Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is BB with K♦ 6♣

2 folds, UTG+2 calls, MP1 folds, MP2 calls, MP3 folds, CO (poster) checks, Button calls, SB calls, Hero checks.

Flop: J♦ T♦ 9♦ (6SB, 6 players)

SB checks, Hero checks, UTG+2 bets, MP2 calls, CO folds, Button raises, SB calls, Hero calls, UTG+2 calls, MP2 calls.

Yes, you can probably argue with both of my plays on this street. So sue me. :-)

Turn: Q♦ (8BB, 5 players)

SB bets, Hero calls, UTG+2 calls, MP2 raises, Button folds, SB calls, Hero 3-bets, UTG+2 calls, MP2 caps, SB calls, Hero calls, UTG+2 calls.

River: A♣ (24BB, 4 players)

SB checks, Hero bets, UTG+2 folds, MP2 raises all-in $9, SB folds, Hero calls.

Final pot: 26.75 BB ($160.50)

MP2 had the 8 of diamonds for the other one-card straight flush. No idea what the other two had. Hate to be selfish, but if the guy had more bets in his stack, I'm sure the river gets capped as well for a pot approaching $200. And if one of the other guys had a set and the board had paired on the river......

I actually netted $118.50 in this pot, by far my largest profit in one pot (my next largest was netting $90 off my JJJ hand I posted about a while back.)

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