Saturday, February 11, 2006

0 for 6 with my first Pocket Rockets at Party

My initial results at Party left a little bit to be desired, as below were the first 6 times I picked up AA. I was actually up money if you just let me break even on these 6 hands. They say almost all of your profit at limit holdem comes from having AA and KK. If that is the case, I may not make it......

Hand 1:

Preflop: Hero is SB with Ac, Ad.

2 folds, MP1 calls, 1 fold, MP3 calls, 1 fold, Hero raises, BB calls, MP1 calls, MP3 calls.

Flop: (8 SB) 6h, 5h, 3c (5 players)

Hero bets, BB calls, MP1 folds, MP3 calls.

Turn: (5.50 BB) 7h (4 players)

Hero bets, BB raises, MP3 folds, Hero calls.

River: (9.50 BB) 9c (3 players)

Hero checks, BB checks.

Final Pot: 9.50 BB. Results:

BB has 4s Qh (straight, seven high).
CO doesn't show.
Hero has Ac Ad (one pair, aces).
Outcome: BB wins 9.50 BB.

Hand 2:

Preflop: Hero is Button with As, Ac.

4 folds, MP3 raises, CO calls, Hero 3-bets, 2 folds, MP3 caps, CO calls, Hero calls.

Flop: (13.46 SB) 2d, 8d, 8s (3 players)

MP3 bets, CO calls, Hero raises, MP3 3-bets, CO caps, Hero calls, MP3 calls.

Turn: (12.73 BB) 5h (3 players)

MP3 bets, CO raises, Hero calls, MP3 calls.

River: (18.73 BB) Th (3 players)

MP3 checks, CO bets, MP3 folds, CO calls $0.32 (All-In), Hero calls.

Final Pot: 20.86 BB. Results:

CO has 8h Td (full house, eights full of tens).
Hero has As Ac (two pair, aces and eights).
Outcome: CO wins 18.86 BB. Hero wins 2 BB.

Hand 3:
Preflop: Hero is Button with Ad, Ac.

1 fold, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls, MP1 calls, 2 folds, CO calls, Hero raises, 2 folds, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls, MP1 calls, CO calls.

Flop: (11.46 SB) Jd, Jh, 6s (5 players)

UTG+1 bets, UTG+2 raises, MP1 calls, CO calls $0.06 (All-In), Hero calls, UTG+1 3-bets, UTG+2 caps, MP1 calls, Hero folds, UTG+1 calls.

Turn: (12.93 BB) 7c (4 players, 1 all-in)

UTG+1 bets, UTG+2 calls, MP1 folds.

River: (14.93 BB) Tc (3 players, 1 all-in)

UTG+1 bets, UTG+2 calls.

Final Pot: 16.93 BB. Results:

UTG+1 has 2d Jc (three of a kind, jacks).
UTG+2 has Js Ks (three of a kind, jacks).
CO has Qc Qh (two pair, queens and jacks).

Outcome: UTG+2 wins 16.93 BB.

Hand 4:

(pending bisonbison's hand converter coming back online)

Hand 5:

(pending bisonbison's hand converter coming back online)

Hand 6:

(pending bisonbison's hand converter coming back online)

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