Sunday, August 24, 2008

New Biggest Pot, By Far

Some background before the hand:

I've been at the table for about 2 revolutions, and the guy two seats to my right is a complete and total maniac. He is betting / raising at every opportunity on every street with any two cards. I may have seen him fold preflop once, and I may have seen him only call on a post-flop street once. Otherwise he is putting in max action on every street with any two.

The way in which the rest of the table is reacting to this wackiness is by doing a lot of cold-calling preflop (obviously trying to get into pots with him), but very rarely trying to 3-bet. So my strategy is either to iso-3-bet him myself with a suitable hand (pretty much anything I could take directly to a showdown - pairs and Aces), or to cold-call myself with any hand that can benefit from massive multiway pots (pretty much suited connectors).

I have already cold-called 76s a few hands previous and gotten 6 ways action for 2 bets preflop. Unfortunately, I had the whiff-of-all-whiffs on the flop and was forced to fold. Then came the hand:

UTG limps and the maniac raises and I look down at T9s. Here we go.....

Limit: $3/$6, 10 players

Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is HJ with T♦ 9♦

UTG calls, 1 fold, Maniac raises, 2 folds, Hero calls, 1 fold, Button 3-bets,SB folds, BB caps!, UTG calls, Maniac calls, Hero calls, Button calls.

Well, that was certainly not typical. 5 ways capped PF.

Flop: Q♦ 8♠ 2♦ (20 SB, 5 players)

Flush draw. Looks like I'm along for the ride. Hang on.......

BB checks, UTG checks, Maniac bets, Hero calls, Button raises, BB 3-bets, UTG calls, Maniac caps!, Hero calls, Button calls, BB calls, UTG calls.

Yup, 5 ways capped here too. TWENTY big bets in the pot already going to the turn. Pull that seatbelt tighter.....

Turn: 4♦ (20 BB, 5 players)

BB checks, UTG checks, Maniac bets, Hero raises, Button folds, BB 3-bets, UTG calls, Maniac caps!, Hero calls, BB calls, UTG calls.

Well, I guess we got the button out. 4 ways capped on the turn. THIRTY SIX big bets going to the river. BB and UTG started this hand with less than 12 BB and both will be all-in on the river.

River: J♣ (24BB, 4 players)

BB bets, UTG raises, Maniac 3-bets, Hero caps!, BB calls all-in, UTG calls all-in, Maniac folds.

Final pot: 45.33 BB

BB showed AA (with A diamonds - lucky no diamond rivered), UTG showed KK and I scoop a $272 pot (net of exactly $200)

So many comments:
  • LOL BB check-3-betting his AA on flop and turn
  • ROTFL UTG limping and calling all these bets all the way with KK, then all of a sudden thinking his KK is good on the river.
  • ROTFLMAO Maniac folding river for one bet in a 45+ BB pot.
Beat: if BB and UTG have full stacks, $26.50 more goes in this pot. :-)

Here's what that looks like in a picture:

Friday, August 08, 2008

The Three Phases of Cake

  1. Solidity: 8 months of 3.5 BB/100
  2. Stagnation: 4.5 months breakeven
  3. Boomswitch: 2+ months of 5.7 BB/100

Thursday, August 07, 2008

New Biggest Pot

My first hand at the table. And this occurred after the last graph posting too....

Limit: $3/$6, 10 players

Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is BB with K♦ 6♣

2 folds, UTG+2 calls, MP1 folds, MP2 calls, MP3 folds, CO (poster) checks, Button calls, SB calls, Hero checks.

Flop: J♦ T♦ 9♦ (6SB, 6 players)

SB checks, Hero checks, UTG+2 bets, MP2 calls, CO folds, Button raises, SB calls, Hero calls, UTG+2 calls, MP2 calls.

Yes, you can probably argue with both of my plays on this street. So sue me. :-)

Turn: Q♦ (8BB, 5 players)

SB bets, Hero calls, UTG+2 calls, MP2 raises, Button folds, SB calls, Hero 3-bets, UTG+2 calls, MP2 caps, SB calls, Hero calls, UTG+2 calls.

River: A♣ (24BB, 4 players)

SB checks, Hero bets, UTG+2 folds, MP2 raises all-in $9, SB folds, Hero calls.

Final pot: 26.75 BB ($160.50)

MP2 had the 8 of diamonds for the other one-card straight flush. No idea what the other two had. Hate to be selfish, but if the guy had more bets in his stack, I'm sure the river gets capped as well for a pot approaching $200. And if one of the other guys had a set and the board had paired on the river......

I actually netted $118.50 in this pot, by far my largest profit in one pot (my next largest was netting $90 off my JJJ hand I posted about a while back.)

Monday, August 04, 2008

Graph Since June

Brag: 5.5 BB/100 for two months
Beat: not able to cash out any of the money
Variance: $3/$6 shorthanded and $5/$10 full kicks my ass every time I choose to sit down, or these numbers would be even higher. :-)

Sunday, August 03, 2008


Well, a little over a month since my $10K post, I get to make my $11K post. Needless to say I have been running very well lately - I looked it up the other night and I'm up almost $2K just since June 1, and that doesn't count any bonus cleared during that time - that's just from the tables themselves. Graphs later, maybe. I am absolutely certain I am tempting the doomswitch gods by even mentioning a good run, but....

Or maybe the "doomswitch" portion of this run is that the Cake skin I am playing on has lost their check processor and I can't actually lay my hands on any of the $$$. I have a $1200+ withdrawal in limbo right now with no timeframe for resolution. Grrrrr.