Most BB won, day
11/22/2008: +82.1 BB
4/8/2006: +70.6 BB
10/31/2008: +66.1 BB
Altogether 13 days of 50+ BB. Would never have guessed that two of my best days were in late 2008 - I don't remember going on runs like that. Even more surprising when you realize they are contained within my current 27K hand breakeven stretch.
Most BB lost, day
3/5/2008: -65.0 BB
3/18/2007: -60.0 BB
11/5/2008: -59.1 BB
Altogether 6 days of -50+ BB.
Most BB won, week
12/10/2007 - 12/16/2007: +112.3 BB
6/23/2008 - 6/29/2008: +104.6 BB
5/1/2006 - 5/7/2006: +94.7 BB
Altogether 29 weeks of +50+ BB, although only 4 of these in the last year, and only 1 in the last 7 months.
Most BB lost, week
3/12/2007 - 3/18/2007: -98.0 BB
3/5/2007 - 3/11/2007: -95.6 BB
3/27/2006 - 4/2/2006: -84.0 BB
Altogether 11 weeks of -50+ BB, only 2 of them in the past year. Yeah, March 2007 sucked, and evidently March 2006 was not much better. Doesn't bode well for the rest of March 2009. In a graph:
I am (frankly) amazed that I've gone on two separate winning streaks of 12+ weeks, while my longest losing streaks are one of 5 weeks (but what a doozy THAT one was), one of 4 weeks, and all others are 3 weeks or less.
Most $$$ won, day
11/22/2008: +$417.67
1/5/2008: +$380.90
10/31/2008: +$363.26
10 days of +$200+ (all contained in 2008).
Most $$$ lost, day
11/5/2008: -$297.00
10/26/2008: -$248.75
1/13/2008: -$241.50
Amazingly every single one of these is within a week of my largest $$ days listed above.
11 days of -$200+, most clustered in a very small space right around -$200.
Most $$$ won, week
6/23/2008 - 6/29/2008: $560.95
3/10/2008 - 3/16/2008: $466.48
10/29/2007 - 11/4/2007: $447.31
13 weeks of $200+
Most $$$ lost, week
5/12/2008 - 5/18/2008: -$414.75
3/5/2007 - 3/11/2007: -$298.00
11/3/2008 - 11/9/2008: -$291.85
6 weeks of -$200+. That May week is a huge loss compared to other losing weeks, although immediately after it I went on a 12-consecutive-week winning streak for just over $2250. In graphical form: Fun stuff.