OK, so it appears that I lied - I enjoyed my time off so much, I not only haven't played much (maybe 200 hands in 2 weeks, where I'd normally get 10 times that number of hands in), but haven't taken the time to write any blog posts. Now that two separate people have mocked me about this (surely a significant fraction of my "readers"), I figured I may as well churn one out - my two most memorable $5/$10 hands from my last stint.
Limit Holdem Ring game, $5/$10
10 players
Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is BB with A♣ A♠
Yay - an AA hand. You just know that this is going to be a trainwreck, right?
4 folds, MP2 raises, 2 folds, Button calls, SB folds, Hero 3-bets, MP2 calls, Button calls.
Flop: 5♥ 3♦ 3♥ (9.5SB, 3 players)
Hero bets, MP2 calls, Button folds.
Turn: T♣ (5.75BB, 2 players)
Hero bets, MP2 raises, Hero 3-bets, MP2 calls.
The only hands I am behind are specifically TT and 55 - there is no way he has a 3 in his hand at all. When he only calls my 3-bet, I know I am ahead.
River: 4♥ (11.75BB, 2 players)
Hero bets, MP2 raises, Hero calls.
Final pot: 15.75 BB ($157.50)
Results: MP2 showed A♥ T♥
Like I said......
Actually, the positiveness I take from this hand is the turn 3-bet. It shows that I am not playing weak-tight while playing above my normal level - that I can still read hands and act on those reads regardless of the higher stakes. The negativeness (if there is any) is that I couldn't bet/fold the river, but I simply can't fold an overpair getting over 14:1 vs. an unknown. But still, $70 of my own money down the toilet in one hand.
The next hand below is from the same table, about 30 minutes later.
Limit Holdem Ring game, $5/$10
10 players
Pre-flop: (10 players) Hero is MP2 with J♠ J♦
UTG folds, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 raises, MP1 folds, Hero 3-bets, 5 folds, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls.
Flop: T♠ 4♠ J♥ (10.5SB, 3 players)
[mental dialogue]
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap - I've got top set at $5/$10, but man is that a drawy board.
[/mental dialogue]
UTG+1 checks, UTG+2 checks, Hero bets, UTG+1 calls, UTG+2 calls.
Turn: J♣ (6.75BB, 3 players)
[mental dialogue]
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap - I've just turned quads at $5/$10, please please someone be slowplaying TT.
[/mental dialogue]
UTG+1 checks, UTG+2 checks, Hero bets, UTG+1 raises, ...
[mental dialogue]
OMFG$$$$$ - I've just been checkraised on turn the while holding the mortal nuts at $5/$10. This is going to totally make up for the AA fiasco. I briefly think about slowplaying, but realize that if he's got a hand he's willing to give action on that board with, any bet that misses going in is a bet I can't get back later on the river.
[/mental dialogue]
... UTG+2 folds, Hero 3-bets, UTG+1 folds.
[mental dialogue]
OMFGWTFBBQ - nice check-raise-fold line, sir.
[/mental dialogue]
Results: Final pot: 10.75 BB ($107.50)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Bonus Cleared
Well, I finally got done clearing my 3-month bonus on Sportsbook last night. Or, rather, as much of the bonus as I could possibly get cleared; turns out I played nearly 18,000 hands in three months to clear $820 of the possible $1,000 bonus. That is a lot of hands for me, and it is time to take a little break from playing and chill.
The overall breakdown of the hands / levels I've played during the bonus was:
So, what about results? Well, I've already had a few blog posts about the swings I've had, so this graph should be no surprise:

I'm thankful I at least I ended the bonus to the positive, including the nice +20BB quick session to end the bonus last night.
But hidden within this graph are some massive differences between my performances at different levels. In particular:
$2/$4 full-ring:

No, your eyes do not deceive you - that is an over 170BB downswing buried in there for a final result of -$588 and a winrate of -2.07 BB/100 over the span of my bonus.
$3/$6 full ring:

Yup, always nice to run better at the higher level; $1,247 and 2.72 BB/100 over slightly more hands than I played at $2/$4. Note to self: play only $3/$6 during my next bonus......
From a pure monetary standpoint, I made a total of about $1,400 in the three months; $820 from bonus clearing and about $580 from play. If I could manage to not suck so bad at $2/$4 (at the same time keeping up the winrate at $3/$6), the number through play would have obviously been a lot higher, but.....
I've also reached a few milestones recently - more than 100K hands played since I started online and over $9K earned overall from my online adventures. A paltry sum when compared to poker1eh's Stars Step 6 win for $12K the other night, but I'll take it.
Next post: some overall stats from all my Cake hands, and maybe some specific hands from $5/$10.
The overall breakdown of the hands / levels I've played during the bonus was:
- 43% of the hands were at $3/$6 full-ring
- 40% of the hands were $2/$4 full-ring
- 10% of the hands were $1/$2 6-max
So, what about results? Well, I've already had a few blog posts about the swings I've had, so this graph should be no surprise:

I'm thankful I at least I ended the bonus to the positive, including the nice +20BB quick session to end the bonus last night.
But hidden within this graph are some massive differences between my performances at different levels. In particular:
$2/$4 full-ring:

No, your eyes do not deceive you - that is an over 170BB downswing buried in there for a final result of -$588 and a winrate of -2.07 BB/100 over the span of my bonus.
$3/$6 full ring:

Yup, always nice to run better at the higher level; $1,247 and 2.72 BB/100 over slightly more hands than I played at $2/$4. Note to self: play only $3/$6 during my next bonus......
From a pure monetary standpoint, I made a total of about $1,400 in the three months; $820 from bonus clearing and about $580 from play. If I could manage to not suck so bad at $2/$4 (at the same time keeping up the winrate at $3/$6), the number through play would have obviously been a lot higher, but.....
I've also reached a few milestones recently - more than 100K hands played since I started online and over $9K earned overall from my online adventures. A paltry sum when compared to poker1eh's Stars Step 6 win for $12K the other night, but I'll take it.
Next post: some overall stats from all my Cake hands, and maybe some specific hands from $5/$10.
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