Early on, I didn't count these milestones, but for the ones that I have: from the time I passed $10K it was another....
- 34 days to $11K, then
- 112 days to $12K, then
- 195 days to $13K
Bankroll update in the sidebar, and back to the tables.....
Whereby a highly book-read poker player tries to convert book-learnin' to profit by going from $0 to ???? online.
The combination of these two items will raise my marginal poker-tax-rate, which I will calculate as the amount of extra tax I paid due to the fact I played poker divided by the amount of money I made.
The way my year wound up, I made a profit of $4,725.62, broken up as
But as mentioned, I have to "break up" that $2,035.62 into winning and losing sessions for tax purposes, then add back in the amount of the bonus as a giant winning session. When looked at this way, the numbers are:
Note that the difference between those two numbers is exactly my profit of $4,725.62 as expected.
So, let's start with the easy part. The amount of Federal tax I will pay on this is simply my Federal marginal tax rate times my profit, since I do get to claim my Schedule A deductions. I thus pay $4,725.62 * 25% = $1,181.41 in Federal tax.
Next, the specific credit in my case is a loss of $50 in tax credit for every increase of $1,000 in AGI, or 5%. Therefore, since my AGI increased by over $16K, the amount of tax credit my poker playing cost me is $802.07 ($16,041.34 * 5%). And, no, this is not double counting anything, as this is a (lost) tax credit which is calculated after tax rates have already been applied.
Next, as mentioned Michigan taxes only on AGI, so the amount of extra Michigan tax I pay due to pokering is $16,041.34 * 4.35% = $697.80.
Adding these numbers up, my tax bill is sobering $2,681.28 larger than it would be if I didn't play at all, resulting in a marginal tax rate of 56.7% on my poker winnings. Looked at another way, all the bonus I cleared in 2008 was almost exactly enough to cover my tax bill, leaving me with "just" my profit from the tables. Believe it or not, this number is somewhere in the ballpark of what I thought it would be when I started the calculation (I had thought 50-mid 60%).
It really does give me pause on whether I should even bother to play at all. The way the tax law is set up (and due to the wacky Michigan taxation), it is entirely possible that I could wind up owing more taxes at the end of a year than I made profit.
Three quick examples:
Is it worth it? Having over half your money taken away as a (solidly?) winning player, with the risk of more-than-all your money being taken? Especially for a game that drives me crazy half the time?
I am (frankly) amazed that I've gone on two separate winning streaks of 12+ weeks, while my longest losing streaks are one of 5 weeks (but what a doozy THAT one was), one of 4 weeks, and all others are 3 weeks or less.
Most $$$ won, day
11/22/2008: +$417.67
1/5/2008: +$380.90
10/31/2008: +$363.26
10 days of +$200+ (all contained in 2008).
Most $$$ lost, day
11/5/2008: -$297.00
10/26/2008: -$248.75
1/13/2008: -$241.50
Amazingly every single one of these is within a week of my largest $$ days listed above.
11 days of -$200+, most clustered in a very small space right around -$200.
Most $$$ won, week
6/23/2008 - 6/29/2008: $560.95
3/10/2008 - 3/16/2008: $466.48
10/29/2007 - 11/4/2007: $447.31
13 weeks of $200+
Most $$$ lost, week
5/12/2008 - 5/18/2008: -$414.75
3/5/2007 - 3/11/2007: -$298.00
11/3/2008 - 11/9/2008: -$291.85
6 weeks of -$200+. That May week is a huge loss compared to other losing weeks, although immediately after it I went on a 12-consecutive-week winning streak for just over $2250. In graphical form: Fun stuff.